Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Singing Sand Dunes

All of us just arriving at the Singing Sand Dunes. They are named that b/c when you slide down them they make a deep whining sound and it feels like the whole dune is vibrating. It's cool!

Lily getting strapped on for her first trip up the dunes!

Adults at the top and kids who've been up and are already back down and waiting for someone to help them up again.

Lily (and Ben, of course) made it up. Yeah!

Isaiah crawling on all four's to go back up and crying for my help. Who's helping me??

We made it up!

Isaac wasn't keen to go down by himself like the other kids. He played it safe on top with the adults.

Ben and Lily sliding down the dunes together. It was quite cool so we had to keep her bundled up. Isaac was shivering by the time we got down the dune.

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