
Katie and I did this house. Oh, and Anita stopped in and helped with the windows. Aren't they great?

Isaac even got in on the action. His action was mostly eating!

We ran out of peanut butter before Mark's vision for his house could be fully realized so the ladies added their own feminine touch.


Katie and me posing in front of our house. We are so proud.

A cute moment between Mark and Katie...and Isaiah.

Ben and his boys and their uh, house?

Lily slept on our friend's shoulder most of the time then she just hung out in her swing.

We topped the night off with making gingerbread cookies. Okay, Katie and Lobna mixed it while I read the directions. Katie rolled and the kids cut a few cookies. It was late so Katie finished the cookies. Thanks, Katie!

The morning after.....

Here are the houses all cleaned up and on display. I wonder how long it will take the boys to tear them apart piece by piece?