Sunday, October 12, 2008

Update 10.12.08 for Lily

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Lily's infection indicator
number dropped almost by HALF! She is now breastfeeding like a
trooper and is loving life. She will remain in the hospital for most
of this week to complete her round of antibiotics. Also, both
cultures (blood and lumbar) were NEGATIVE just as we prayed.

Please pray NOW that:
1) her infection indicator number will drop to normal
2) she's slightly jaundiced, so pray that she will come back to normal
3) we'll be able to schedule this week where everyone in the family
feels honored and loved

Also, we're part of a prayer chain for another lady named Cheryl who
is dying from terminal cancer and only has a few weeks to live.
Contend with us that she will get the healing Jesus paid for and soon.


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